Category: family office blog

What are 5 ways to get a family office invest in your artwork?

What are 5 ways to get a family office invest in your artwork?

For artists and galleries, securing investment from a family office can be a significant achievement. Family offices often seek unique and valuable artwork for their collections. Here are five strategies to attract investment from a family office for your artwork.

1. Understand the Investment Preferences of Family Offices

Overview: Family offices may have specific preferences or themes guiding their art investments. An example is the art investment thesis of the Dr. Giesen Family Office.

Strategy: Research the art investment trends among family offices. Tailor your approach to align with their interests, whether they favor contemporary, classical, emerging artists, or specific art movements.

2. Build a Strong Portfolio

Overview: A compelling portfolio that showcases the depth and breadth of your work is essential.

Strategy: Develop a professional portfolio that highlights your best work, artistic journey, and unique style. Include press mentions, exhibitions, and any awards or recognitions.

3. Network in Art and Investment Circles

Overview: Networking is key in the art investment world. Building connections can open doors to family office investors.

Strategy: Attend art fairs, exhibitions, and investment events. Engage with art advisors and consultants who may have direct connections with family offices.

4. Demonstrate Investment Value

Overview: Investors, including family offices, seek artworks that have potential to appreciate in value.

Strategy: Present a compelling case for the investment potential of your art. Include market trends, comparison with similar artists, and any factors that may increase the artwork’s value over time.

5. Leverage Online Platforms and Social Media

Overview: The digital world offers powerful tools to showcase your art to potential investors.

Strategy: Utilize online galleries, art platforms, and social media to reach a broader audience. Create high-quality digital content that highlights your artwork’s unique aspects.


Attracting investment from a family office for your artwork involves understanding their investment preferences, building a strong portfolio, networking effectively, demonstrating the value of your art, and leveraging digital platforms. By adopting these strategies, artists can increase their chances of securing family office investments.

Picture Source: Debby Hudson

What are 5 reasons why single family offices move to Luxembourg?

What are 5 reasons why single family offices move to Luxembourg?

Luxembourg has emerged as a preferred destination for single family offices. This small European country offers a unique combination of financial, legal, and lifestyle benefits that are attractive to high-net-worth families. Here are five key reasons driving this trend.

1. Favorable Regulatory Environment

Overview: Luxembourg offers a well-regulated and secure financial environment, which is a major draw for family offices.

Details: The country’s financial regulations are designed to protect investors while offering flexibility in wealth management and investment strategies.

2. Political and Economic Stability

Overview: Stability is a critical factor for wealth preservation, and Luxembourg provides a politically and economically stable environment.

Details: Its stable government, strong economy, and low debt levels make it a safe haven for family assets.

3. Tax Efficiency

Overview: Luxembourg’s tax regime is favorable for investment and wealth management, making it an attractive destination for family offices.

Details: The country offers advantageous tax treatments for investments and a favorable regime for holding companies.

4. Strategic Location and International Connectivity

Overview: Located in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg is well-positioned for international families looking to manage assets across multiple jurisdictions. The hub also offers a “Luxembourg Association of Family Office“, giving strong network effects.

Details: Its central location provides easy access to major European markets and financial centers.

5. Sophisticated Financial Services Sector

Overview: Luxembourg boasts a sophisticated financial services sector with a wealth of expertise in private banking and wealth management.  One of the largest, most sophisticated banks is the Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat (Spuerkeess).

Details: Family offices can benefit from the high level of professional services and financial expertise available in the country.


Luxembourg presents a compelling combination of regulatory benefits, economic stability, tax efficiency, strategic location, and financial expertise, making it an ideal location for single family offices looking for a European base.

Picture Source: Cedric Letsch

What are the 5 most important family office hubs globally?

What are the 5 most important family office hubs globally?

Family offices are integral to global wealth management, offering bespoke services to high-net-worth families. Certain cities around the world have become key hubs for these family offices, thanks to their favorable business climates, financial expertise, and quality of life. This article highlights the top five global hubs for family offices.

1. New York City, United States

Overview: As a financial capital, New York City hosts numerous family offices. Its status as a global finance leader makes it a top choice for family wealth management. An example here is the Dell Single Family Office.

Advantages: Access to top financial institutions, a diverse talent pool, and significant networking opportunities in finance and business.

2. London, United Kingdom

Overview: London’s historical and cultural significance, combined with its financial services expertise, makes it a preferred location for family offices. An exemplary, major single family office from London is the Corniche Group.

Advantages: A global financial center, London offers robust legal and fiscal frameworks, diverse investment opportunities, and a central location for international families.

3. Zurich, Switzerland

Overview: Known for its stability, privacy, and strong financial sector, Zurich is a leading hub for family offices in Europe. An important example here is the Jacobs Holding.

Advantages: Political and economic stability, stringent privacy laws, and expertise in wealth management and private banking.

4. Hong Kong

Overview: As a gateway to Asia, Hong Kong is a strategic location for family offices looking to invest in the Asian markets.

Advantages: Proximity to emerging Asian markets, a favorable tax environment, and a blend of Eastern and Western business practices.

5. Singapore

Overview: Singapore’s favorable regulatory environment and strategic location in Southeast Asia make it an attractive hub for family offices.

Advantages: Political stability, a business-friendly environment, strong regulatory frameworks, and access to the growing markets of the ASEAN region.


These global hubs offer unique advantages for family offices, from access to major financial markets and investment opportunities to political stability and favorable regulatory environments. Their prominence underscores the increasingly global nature of family wealth management.

Picture source: Matteo Catanese

Five reasons why single family offices are good investors for your startup

Five reasons why single family offices are good investors for your startup

Single family offices are becoming increasingly popular as investors in the startup ecosystem. Their unique approach to investment offers several advantages for emerging businesses. Here are five reasons why they could be ideal partners for your startup.

1. Long-Term Investment Perspective

Overview: Unlike traditional venture capital firms, single family offices often have the luxury of taking a long-term view on investments.

Benefits: This approach allows for more patient capital that is less focused on quick returns and more on sustainable growth, providing startups with a stable financial runway.

2. Access to Extensive Networks

Overview: Family offices typically have access to a wide network of industry professionals, advisors, and other entrepreneurs.

Benefits: Startups can leverage these networks for strategic partnerships, mentorship, and market access, enhancing their growth prospects and market visibility.

3. More Than Just Money

Overview: Family offices often provide more than just financial support; they bring in a wealth of experience and knowledge. Most family offices still have their family business in the background, which could also yield first customers.

Benefits: They can offer valuable insights, mentorship, and strategic guidance, helping startups navigate the complexities of their growth journey.

4. Flexibility in Investment Terms

Overview: Family offices tend to be more flexible regarding investment terms and structures compared to traditional venture capital firms. This can be also helpful for untraditional ventures, that have for instance a longer growth horizon or slower growth speed.

Benefits: This flexibility can be crucial for startups seeking bespoke arrangements that align with their specific needs and growth plans.

5. Alignment of Values and Vision

Overview: Single family offices often invest in areas that resonate with their personal values and long-term vision.

Benefits: Startups that align with these values may find a deeper, more meaningful partnership, leading to a strong, aligned collaboration.


Partnering with a single family office can offer startups a unique blend of financial support, strategic guidance, and flexible investment terms, all underpinned by a commitment to long-term value creation. Understanding these benefits is key to forging successful partnerships with family office investors.

Picture source: Israel Andrade

What are 5 Ways to Get in Touch with Single Family Offices?

What are 5 Ways to Get in Touch with Single Family Offices?

Reaching out to single family offices can be a nuanced process, requiring both tact and strategy. Whether for investment opportunities, partnerships, or offering services, here are five effective ways to establish a connection.

1. Networking Events and Conferences

Description: Industry-specific events provide a platform for professionals to network, including those from single family offices. One example for them are the SuperReturn investor events, where many LPs and GPs meet.

Approach: Attend finance, investment, and wealth management conferences. Participate actively in discussions and use these opportunities to meet family office representatives.

2. Professional Networking Platforms

Description: Online professional networking platforms like LinkedIn are powerful tools for connecting with industry professionals.

Approach: Create a compelling profile, join relevant groups, and engage in discussions. Reach out to family office professionals with personalized messages.

3. Industry Associations and Clubs

Description: Many family offices are part of industry associations and private clubs that facilitate networking and information exchange.

Approach: Join these associations, participate in their events, and engage with members. Build relationships that can lead to introductions.

4. Referrals from Mutual Connections

Description: Referrals are a powerful tool in the business world, and this holds true when trying to connect with family offices.

Approach: Leverage your existing network to find mutual connections who can introduce you to family office executives.

5. Targeted Outreach through Research

Description: Conducting thorough research can lead to tailored outreach strategies that resonate with specific family offices.

Approach: Identify family offices whose interests align with your offerings. Use publicly available information to understand their focus areas and tailor your outreach accordingly.


Connecting with single family offices requires a blend of strategic networking, leveraging technology, and utilizing personal connections. Understanding the unique nature of each family office and approaching them with a tailored strategy is key to establishing a successful connection.

Picture Source: Linda Gerbec

What are 5 Possible Career Paths to Get a Job at a Family Office?

What are 5 Possible Career Paths to Get a Job at a Family Office?

Securing a position in a family office requires a specific set of skills and experiences. This article explores five career paths that can lead to a successful role in this unique sector.

1. Finance and Investment Banking

Overview: A background in finance or investment banking provides a strong foundation in asset management, financial analysis, and investment strategies.

Skills Gained: Market analysis, portfolio management, risk assessment.

Transitioning to Family Office: Utilize financial expertise to manage and grow the family’s wealth.

2. Legal and Estate Planning

Overview: Expertise in legal affairs, especially in estate planning and tax law, is highly valued in family offices.

Skills Gained: Legal compliance, estate planning, trust management.

Transitioning to Family Office: Provide legal advice, manage estate plans, and ensure compliance with regulations.

3. Accounting and Taxation

Overview: A background in accounting and taxation is crucial for managing the complex financial landscape of high-net-worth individuals.

Skills Gained: Tax planning, financial reporting, budgeting.

Transitioning to Family Office: Oversee financial accounts, tax strategies, and budget management.

4. Private Wealth Management

Overview: Experience in private wealth management firms equips individuals with skills in personalized financial advisory and client relations.

Skills Gained: Client relationship management, personalized investment advice, wealth preservation strategies.

Transitioning to Family Office: Apply wealth management principles to manage the family’s assets and investments.

5. Entrepreneurship and Business Management

Overview: Entrepreneurial experience or a background in business management provides insights into business operations and strategy.

Skills Gained: Business development, operational management, strategic planning.

Transitioning to Family Office: Contribute to the family’s business interests and strategic decision-making.


Each of these career paths offers unique skills and experiences that are valuable in a family office setting. A combination of specialized knowledge, strategic thinking, and personal skills is essential for success in this field.

Picture Source: Sourav Bhoudari

Which 5 Software Tools Should Every Family Office Use?

Which 5 Software Tools Should Every Family Office Use?

In the dynamic world of family office management, leveraging the right software tools is crucial for efficiency, security, and effective decision-making. This article highlights the top five software tools that are essential for every family office.

1. Wealth Management Software

Function: Comprehensive management of investments, assets, and financial planning.

Key Features: Portfolio analysis, risk management, and real-time financial reporting.

Benefits: Enhances investment decision-making and simplifies complex financial data interpretation.

2. Accounting and Financial Reporting Software

Function: Streamlined accounting processes and accurate financial reporting.

Key Features: Automated bookkeeping, tax preparation, and budgeting tools.

Benefits: Ensures compliance, accuracy in financial records, and simplifies tax filing procedures.

3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

Function: Managing client interactions and personalizing client service.

Key Features: Contact management, communication tracking, and client history analysis.

Benefits: Fosters stronger client relationships and personalized service delivery.

4. Cybersecurity and Data Protection Software

Function: Protecting sensitive financial and personal information from cyber threats.

Key Features: Advanced encryption, threat detection, and secure data storage.

Benefits: Shields against data breaches and maintains client confidentiality.

5. Document Management and Collaboration Software

Function: Efficient management and sharing of documents within the office.

Key Features: Cloud-based storage, version control, and access management.

Benefits: Enhances team collaboration and ensures secure and organized document handling.


Integrating these five software tools can significantly improve the operational efficiency, data security, and client service quality in a family office. Staying updated with the latest technological advancements is key to maintaining a competitive edge in wealth management.

Picture Source: Burst

What is the Job Description of a Chief Investment Officer at a Single Family Office?

What is the Job Description of a Chief Investment Officer at a Single Family Office?

The Chief Investment Officer (CIO) in a single-family office plays a pivotal role in shaping the financial future of high-net-worth families. This article explores the comprehensive responsibilities and qualifications necessary for a CIO in this unique setting.

Understanding the Role of a CIO

The CIO in a single-family office is primarily responsible for developing and implementing investment strategies that align with the family’s financial goals and risk tolerance. This role requires a deep understanding of the financial markets, a strategic vision for long-term wealth preservation and growth, and an ability to tailor investment approaches to the family’s unique needs.

Key Responsibilities

  • Investment Strategy Development: Crafting comprehensive investment strategies that encompass asset allocation, diversification, and risk management.
  • Market Analysis: Continuously analyzing market trends and economic indicators to inform investment decisions.
  • Portfolio Management: Overseeing the family’s investment portfolio, including regular reviews and adjustments in response to market changes or family circumstances.
  • Risk Assessment: Identifying potential risks in investment strategies and taking proactive measures to mitigate them.
  • Performance Reporting: Regularly reporting to the family on investment performance, including gains, losses, and market outlooks.
  • Collaboration with Advisors: Working closely with other family office advisors, such as tax specialists and legal counsel, to ensure holistic wealth management.

Skills and Qualifications

  • Advanced Financial Knowledge: Extensive experience in finance, investments, and wealth management.
  • Analytical Skills: Strong ability to analyze market data and economic trends to make informed investment decisions.
  • Strategic Thinking: Capability to develop long-term investment strategies that align with the family’s objectives.
  • Communication Skills: Excellent communication abilities to clearly convey complex investment concepts and strategies.
  • Discretion and Trustworthiness: Upholding the highest level of confidentiality and integrity in managing sensitive financial information.


The Chief Investment Officer in a single-family office is crucial for guiding the family’s wealth through strategic investment planning and management. The role demands a unique blend of expertise in financial markets, personal commitment to the family’s values, and a dedicated approach to risk management and wealth preservation.

Picture Source: Wilfried Santer

What is the Job Description of a Family Officer?

What is the Job Description of a Family Officer?

A family officer plays a crucial role in managing the complex and multifaceted needs of affluent families. This article delves into the diverse responsibilities and skills required for this unique position.

Understanding the Role

A family officer, often known as a family office manager, is responsible for overseeing the financial and personal affairs of high-net-worth families. This role involves a combination of financial management, investment planning, and personal services tailored to the specific needs of each family.

Key Responsibilities

  • Financial Management: Managing investments, assets, and banking activities. This includes portfolio management, asset allocation, and risk assessment.
  • Estate Planning: Assisting in the development of estate plans, including wills, trusts, and succession planning.
  • Tax Planning: Overseeing tax planning strategies to minimize liabilities and ensure compliance with various tax laws.
  • Personal Services: Coordinating personal affairs such as travel arrangements, property management, and lifestyle management.
  • Philanthropy Management: Guiding charitable giving and philanthropic endeavors.
  • Risk Management: Implementing strategies to protect family assets from various risks.

Skills and Qualifications

  • Financial Expertise: A strong background in finance, accounting, or wealth management.
  • Legal Knowledge: Understanding of legal issues related to estate planning and tax laws.
  • Communication Skills: Excellent communication abilities to effectively interact with family members and other professionals.
  • Discretion: The ability to handle sensitive information with the utmost confidentiality.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Innovative and strategic thinking to address complex family matters.


The role of a family officer is integral to the smooth management and preservation of a family’s wealth and legacy. It requires a blend of technical financial skills and the ability to handle personal and sensitive family matters with discretion and professionalism.

Picture Source: Lanju Fotografie

Do US single family offices invest in venture capital?

Do US single family offices invest in venture capital?

Single Family Offices (SFOs) are private wealth management advisory firms that serve a single ultra-high-net-worth family. They often deal with everything from investment management to philanthropy, estate planning, and financial administration.

Investment Strategies of Single Family Offices

SFOs are known for their diverse investment strategies, which may include stocks, bonds, real estate, and increasingly, alternative investments like venture capital (VC).

Case Study: ARB Inc.

ARB Inc. serves as a prime example of a single family office investing in venture capital. They focus on later-stage companies in various sectors, particularly renewable energy and sustainability.

Venture Capital as an Investment Avenue

Venture capital involves investing in start-ups and early-stage companies that have the potential for high growth. SFOs are drawn to VC due to the potential for high returns and the opportunity to drive innovation in sectors they are passionate about.

Examples from ARB Inc.

  • 3Degrees Group: A company focused on renewable energy and decarbonization.
  • Faraday: Specializes in ethical AI solutions.
  • Natural Systems Utilities: Engaged in water treatment and environmental sustainability.

Risks and Rewards

Venture capital investments carry higher risks compared to traditional investments, but they also offer the potential for substantial returns, making them attractive to SFOs seeking to diversify their portfolios.


In conclusion, single family offices do invest in venture capital, attracted by the potential for high returns and the ability to contribute to sectors they value. As exemplified by ARB Inc., these investments can span a range of industries, particularly those that align with the family’s values and interests.

Picture Source: Mario Gogh